About The Intrinsic Perspective

By Erik Hoel. About consilience: breaking down the disciplinary barriers between science, history, literature, and cultural commentary.

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AI-balloon pops, Pasteur fights H5N1 in cattle, Tetris dreams, and the origins of "shut up and calculate"

2024-05-16 22:23:18

Desiderata #25: links and commentary

RIP to the man who beat the efficient market hypothesis

2024-05-13 22:36:15

Reflections on Jim Simons' passing

I want to read your writing (call for subscriber submissions)

2024-05-02 22:59:31

Share your work on The Intrinsic Perspective this summer

On reaching the age of the TV anti-hero

2024-04-30 22:36:15

Meditations from my late 30s

How to teach your two-year-old to read

2024-04-24 22:25:20

More importantly, why to do it

Lumina controversy, literary scandals, Google tackles AI-pollution, cultural drift, and how to meet me in person

2024-04-19 22:35:10

Desiderata #24: links and commentary

How to become a successful scientist: a guide

2024-04-16 22:41:09

Surviving academia and getting to what matters

IQ discourse is increasingly unhinged

2024-04-10 23:06:48

Myth-busting becomes necessary

The Gen Z gender divide: The Intrinsic Podcast #4

2024-04-05 22:09:06

Listen now | Guest Ruxandra Teslo assesses the political and social split

Richard Dawkins a Christian? Beethoven's genes bad at music? Smartphones not behind depression? What?

2024-04-03 22:46:27

Desiderata #23: links and commentary

How The New York Times beat me

2024-03-29 21:22:43

In publishing, the house always wins

The end of (online) history

2024-03-26 23:24:41

Hegelian dialectics for the 21st Century

Is it moral to lock writing behind paywalls?

2024-03-20 22:51:59

A question that answers itself

Lit mag Guernica implodes, LLMs beat neuroscientists, CS vs. Philosophy deathmatch, AI pollution reaches science

2024-03-16 00:12:41

Desiderata #22: links and commentary

AI keeps getting better at talking about consciousness

2024-03-14 01:14:34

But does it matter?

Ask Erik Hoel: "If I take a job at Meta, should I go long-distance with my girlfriend?"

2024-03-06 00:11:35

TIP advice column #1

Did novels stop mattering in the 2010s?

2024-03-01 23:36:38

Searching for literature's missing impact

Here lies the internet, murdered by generative AI

2024-02-27 23:10:18

Corruption everywhere, even in YouTube's kids content

Recent AI failures are cracks in the magic

2024-02-23 23:16:42

Trouble in trillions-land

Dancing proves the #1 treatment for depression; gender and Shakespeare; single men want children more than women now

2024-02-22 00:12:21

Desiderata #21: links and commentary